07 november 2005

Lecture 6: Intercultural leadership

I would like to give some examples of possible differences between "Western" style and an other culture's style of communication. I know that there could be a problem of overgeneralizing, but if I do, please correct me in the comments section.

Communication with people from the Middle East:
- Be patient. Recognize the Arab attitude towards time and hospitality;
- Relationships are much more important than the company (face to face vs. phone);
- Body language and flowery speech;
- Honour: no doubts/criticism in public.

Differences between Japanese and American style:
- No confrontation - confrontation;
- Group - individual(istic);
- Indirect - direct.

Examples of (intercultural) leaders.
- Why are they leaders? Why are they intercultural leaders?
- What is positive about their leadership?
- What is negative about their leadership?

Try to answer these questions (feel free to use the comments section for that) for:
- Malcolm X
- Adolf Hitler
- Ernesto Che Guevarra
- Saddam Hussein
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Joseph Stalin
- Jo Lernout & Pol Hauspie

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Ghandi was a good leader if you ask me because he was an inspiration for other people. His non-violence approach has influenced a lot of non-violent resistance movements until now.

Ghandi led the struggle for the independence of India from the British people. He criticized both parties, as well the British as the violence of the Indians. He held an emotional speech in which he said that all violence is evil.

When India became independent, a separation between India and Pakistan arose with lots of riots between Hindus and Muslims. Ghandi wanted Muslims and Hindus to live in absolute freedom with respect and friendship. He also wanted women to be equal to men, he wanted the rich to help the poor, respect each other as brother and sister. He did not want a big Government, but a government limited to protecting people, giving justice and spreading opportunities. He wanted the people to develop the spirit of love and brotherhood, and not just create a legal system imposing these virtues to an unresponsive population

He is a great example for many people, therefore he was a good leader.

Anoniem zei

Hitler is not (it is generally known) known as a positive leader. He was the German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. He was born in 1889 and died in 1945.

During his childhood, Hitler began to form his political views: a strong sense of German nationalism, the beginnings of *anti-Semitism*, and a distaste for the ruling family and political structure of Austria-Hungary. Like many German-speaking citizens of Austria-Hungary, Hitler considered himself first and foremost a German.

Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He made anti-Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and policies and built the Nazi Party into a mass movement.

He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma, Slavic peoples and many others.

*political, social, and economic agitation and activities directed against Jews. The term is now used to denote speech and behavior that is derogatory to people of Jewish origin, whether or not they are religious.